(((((((((((((( CONFUCIOUS )))))))))))))))))
It is sad that any religion can leave a person so " abandoned ", "hurting.. and lonely.
I think you will be okay,. even though I know there are times that you don't feel that you are.
Some people say.. "Take it a day at a time".. but sometimes, hurt and pain can be so great that you have to shorten that to "Take it one hour, at a time". If need be try that.
Sorry about your marriage breaking up. That is another life crises on top of the one you already have exiting the J.W.'s.
Keep writing, and talking to us all here. We will respond and validate your thoughts and feelings.. something the Watchtower Society is not so hot at doing.
Free in 89 .. had some good points to think about and check off. I even checked some off myself.
Also, try to see and pick out at least one good thing that you see or hear per day.
"The smile of a child"
" A funny joke"
"Stars in the sky"
"Leaves changing colour"
"a bird at the bird feeder"
Nature is really good, and can be a healing comfort.
I find that has helped me through some bad times. Pick out one "kodak moment per day" .
When I used to get.. really.. too low.. I used to drive to Tim Hortons and buy myself a donut, just to show how much I really did love ME.
Special k